Madrid unanimously approves region-wide animal euthanization ban

NU Journalism Abroad · Spain 2015

Story by Julia Guilardi

MADRID–Nacho Paunero has spent the last 20 years fighting to ensure that homeless and stray animals in Madrid would no longer be killed only 10 days after their rescue.

Nacho Paunero, , sits with a colleague and one of the dogs that his shelter, El Refugio, helps protect. Photo courtesy of El Refugio Nacho Paunero sits with a colleague and three of the dogs that his shelter, El Refugio, helped protect from euthanization.
Photo courtesy of El Refugio

“Any animal found on the streets, even if it was in a perfect condition, could be slaughtered after 10 days,” said Paunero, who spoke through a translator. Paunero serves as the president of El Refugio, an animal rights organization that specializes in the rescue, care and support of abandoned cats and dogs.

Now, after two decades of unrelenting advocacy, Paunero is finally witnessing this dream become a reality.

On March 12, the Madrid Assembly passed a law banning the euthanization of abandoned dogs and cats, allowing for the entire region, called…

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Peace Out, España

As I mentioned in an earlier post, you’ll be lucky to find a photo of me where I’m not making a peace sign- I started doing it ironically and then it just became a habit that I can’t seem to get rid of. That being said, I’ve compiled some of the many photos that have been taken of me in Spain where I’m in my signature pose (or bad habit, whatever you want to call it). Photo creds for most of these go to Fernanda, except for the beautiful Segovia ones, which were all Joe.

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2 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes

Updating the blog has gotten away from me over the past week, as I’ve been busy and a bit stressed finishing up my third and final article for the program– which I won’t spoil for you, but I will tell you that it’s about puppies. And I love puppies.

My final weekend in Madrid, and in Spain, has gone by quickly. On Friday night, Clara and I and the boys of Cuatro Cuatro (yes, that is what the boys call their apartment) went to a Chinese restaurant that Carlene pitched to us as the “best Chinese food in the city,” or something to that effect. The catch? It’s located in an underground parking garage. The food was delicious and super cheap, and it was arguably the best fried rice I’ve ever had.

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The past few days have been harder on me than I expected. Sunday evening, I found out that a childhood friend of mine passed away. It’s a friend that I haven’t seen in a year or two, but one that had a very profound impact on my life during the end of middle school and beginning of high school, and finding out about his passing was–still is–jarring. It still doesn’t feel real; I keep thinking that I’m going to look on Facebook and see a post from him saying that it was all a misunderstanding. I think this is the first time I’ve ever gone through the denial stage of grief.

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European Union policy seeks to resolve issues for both Spain and its immigrants

Story numero dos

NU Journalism Abroad · Spain 2015

Story by Julia Guilardi and Ethan Parets

MADRID–The vibrant, multicolored storefronts of Moroccan cafes, Indian spice bazaars and Latin American hair salons line the sidewalks of Madrid’s Lavapiés neighborhood, the former Jewish quarter of the city that now provides a home to thousands of immigrants searching for a better life in Spain.

Lavapiés, which spans several city blocks in the heart of Madrid, is dominated by a diverse population of immigrants, primarily originating from northern Africa and the Indian subcontinent, which includes Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The community is an example of urban neighborhoods in Spain that have become a settling ground for citizens of non-Spanish origin to put down roots and start businesses.

Calle Lavapiés, a central avenue in the Lavapiés neighborhood, is home to many small businesses with multicultural offerings. Hair salons are geared towards specific ethnic groups, such Latin American immigrants, and restaurants that line the street advertise diverse cuisine, including Moroccan, Chinese and Indian fare. Photo by Ethan Parets Calle Lavapiés, a central avenue in the Lavapiés neighborhood, is home to many small businesses with multicultural offerings. Hair salons are geared toward specific ethnic groups, such as Latin American immigrants, and restaurants that line…

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Working for the Weekend

We have officially reached single digits: only eight full days and one weekend remaining in España. Balance will be my struggle during our final week here: I have to report and write my third story, finish (and start, for that matter) the culture essay that counts as 50 percent of the grade for our Spanish immersion course, fit in as much sightseeing as I can manage in my spare time, and do all of this while trying not to succumb to my lingering illness or heat-induced exhaustion.

It’s a tall task at hand, but I’m excited to try and make the most of the time I have left in Madrid, as cliche as it may sound.

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Tex-Mex: A Photo Essay

Photos by Clara Cutbill

MADRID- Originally made in Disneyland in the 1960’s using surplus tortillas, Doritos have become a worldwide phenomenon. The chips are made of vegetable oil, ground corn and salt, although other ingredients vary across the flavored chip varieties. Doritos launched nationally in 1967.

The Tex-Mex variety, which is not commonplace in the United States, is described on the Portugese Doritos website as an “authentic, delicious cheese flavor.” The unique flavor profile attempts to bring the Americanized cuisine colloquially referred to as “Tex-Mex” to Spanish-and Portugese-speaking countries.

In 2003, the Doritos company was sued by Charles Grady, who claimed that the shape and rigidity of the chips made them a potential threat to his safety. He attempted to admit into evidence a study that calculated how best to safely swallow the chips. Ultimately, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the study did not meet scientific standards and was not evidence.

(Mom, I know you’re probably mad at me for posting these on the Internet. Whatever, it’s cool.)

Click on any image below to view the gallery. 

Doc Doc Goose

Ethan insists that we communicate for our story via a document on Google Drive. It’s a totally rational request, and it’s a great way for all of the information we need to be accessible to both of us at all times.

But god, I just really hate Google Drive.

I don’t really have a good reason. I just hate it.